Autism is a way of being.
It's a collection of specific differences from commonly
perceived expectations of sensory perception,
information processing & expression, which is viewed
by external observers as differences in
behaviour & communication.
Autistamatic is here to help both autistic and non-autistic people
understand more about the lives, challenges and above all
potential of autistic people in society today.
Join us as we explore our many coloured minds...
Featured videos
Autistic Is The New Normal
The Autism Iceberg(s)
What if autism was the norm? If the autistic mind was the majority model, making us the "neurotypicals" of the world, how would our scientists and charities look upon those people born without autistic traits?
There's nothing new about the iceberg concept (especially on YouTube 😂) but when it comes to the world of autistic people, there's more than one...
What Is Autism?
STOP Saying "People With Autism" (Person First Language)
Autism is easy to explain...isn't it? The internet is full of descriptions of autism from charities, medical companies, health authorities and academics, but hardly any of them have had any input from a single autistic person.
Should non-autistic people argue with autists over how to show us respect?How should you refer to someone when you know they're autistic? How should you refer to the autistic community? Are we autistic people or people with autism?